Monday, February 17, 2020


"Don't judge a book by it's cover" we all must have heard this idiom. Do we actually believe in this phrase? To be very honest we don't.Everyone has a fear of being judged why? Because somewhere or the other we ourselves tend to judge people just due our some illogical notions. So we start thinking that others will also have some preconceived  assumptions about us just by looking at our appearance. One can never understand the concept and content of a book by just looking at it's cover, because the cover is just meant to give the viwer a hint that what could be the book about or to attract the viewers and readers. Similarly we should never have any prejudice about people by just looking at their appearance. By looking at the ocean can one tell about the depth of the ocean or what are there beneath the ocean. The answer would be no because it's not why do we judge anyone based on their looks.Appearance do matter,it holds a great impact on the people looking at us but that doesn't mean it's everything. For instance if a book is looking fabulous by its cover it doesn't mean it also has a great story to tell us. Always appreciate the content and just not the cover. Some people might have a great persona but if you really want to know them think beyond how they look. Give importance to their thoughts and wisdom not just their appearance. If you stop judging others they will also stop judging you start thinking like this. Train yourself to not have any prejudice about anything then you will also stop being conscious about your appearance. Do look good, present yourself in a very effective manner but never try to copy any one just because you have a fear of being judged. Be the way you are. I personally believe that "look beyond the appearance" because that can be a myth created about one's real character.
Thank you...
Stay blessed and happy....
Next post will be updated on 22/2/2020.

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