Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Own Person

"Be your own person".Do not ever let any given situation or person define "what you are". Be what you want to be and not what others want you to be. Do not hesitate to accept your mistakes and at the same time don't dwell on it. Learn from mistakes and make sure you should never repeat them. They will be alot of people who will tell you how you should behave or react in certain situations, but never let them influence you to an extend that you will behave according to them and not how  you want to.Be true to yourself. Be the Strom you want to be, but not the air what others think you are. Always respect others point of view but at the same time don't loose your self-respect. I was always told by people that am very "ARROGANT" .If back then I would have chosen to act according to them and ignored my instincts then today may be I would have been the "queen of arrogance". I have never let others decide what I should be never ever. If I was called arrogant for taking a stand for myself then be it. I can't just go to people and justify myself. I can never change others opinion totally about me or persuade them to think positive about me. I can either keep others or myself happy. And I choose to make me the happiest person I have ever known. Never loose your true self in the chaos of others opinion. No need to be good by loosing your self. Always be the person you want to be and never try to pretend what you are not. Pretence can never make you happy unless you're aiming to make others happy and superficious about your own happiness..
Thank you..
Stay blessed and happy..
Next post will be updated on 15/2/2020.

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