Saturday, February 22, 2020


Arrogance has various reasons. People will definitely term you as arrogant, if they feel that it's hard for them to hit your self-esteem. I have been known for my arrogant behavior.I am an haughty person according to many people. But this is what I am! For people who fails to understand my reserved nature. I just can't let people take me for granted.
               I don't let anyone demean me. For this reason if I am termed as an arrogant person then I take it as an compliment. And I really don't feel it's necessary for me to justify myself to every individual I meet.Don't ever let others rule your behavior. At the same time it doesn't mean, that you have to be so much self obsessed that you start giving priority to the word "myself" other than anything.
                                     some times listen to people who always wish for your happiness and growth. Not everyone you meet would try to disrespect you. At certain times it becomes necessary to be an arrogant person than an humble person just to protect your self or the person you care for but not always.
                            Nowadays people are calling you as arrogant simply because you are not that expressive or you are an introvert. It has become an habit for some people to tag others with some or the other name. Never let these kind of people define you. Just be the way you actually are. People would always judge you according to their needs. So let others think what they want because you can't change everyone's perception. If you work according to them,they will praise you and when you don't then they would find ways to criticize you. Don't let anyone's Opinion effect you,so that you would actually start being skeptical about yourself
Always be cent percent sure about yourself.. 
Thank you...
Stay blessed and happy...
Next post will be updated on 1/3/2020.

Monday, February 17, 2020


"Don't judge a book by it's cover" we all must have heard this idiom. Do we actually believe in this phrase? To be very honest we don't.Everyone has a fear of being judged why? Because somewhere or the other we ourselves tend to judge people just due our some illogical notions. So we start thinking that others will also have some preconceived  assumptions about us just by looking at our appearance. One can never understand the concept and content of a book by just looking at it's cover, because the cover is just meant to give the viwer a hint that what could be the book about or to attract the viewers and readers. Similarly we should never have any prejudice about people by just looking at their appearance. By looking at the ocean can one tell about the depth of the ocean or what are there beneath the ocean. The answer would be no because it's not why do we judge anyone based on their looks.Appearance do matter,it holds a great impact on the people looking at us but that doesn't mean it's everything. For instance if a book is looking fabulous by its cover it doesn't mean it also has a great story to tell us. Always appreciate the content and just not the cover. Some people might have a great persona but if you really want to know them think beyond how they look. Give importance to their thoughts and wisdom not just their appearance. If you stop judging others they will also stop judging you start thinking like this. Train yourself to not have any prejudice about anything then you will also stop being conscious about your appearance. Do look good, present yourself in a very effective manner but never try to copy any one just because you have a fear of being judged. Be the way you are. I personally believe that "look beyond the appearance" because that can be a myth created about one's real character.
Thank you...
Stay blessed and happy....
Next post will be updated on 22/2/2020.

Saturday, February 15, 2020


What does "being strong" means to you? For me being strong doesn't mean you have to fight or yell as loud as you can for putting forth your opinion.Being strong simply means you have the courage and strength to accept your mistakes gracefully. And making sure that those mistakes are not repeated. Be strong enough to never forget the lessons which life has taught you in order to make you a better person. Accepting one's flaws with elegance and able to take all the criticism with a beautiful smile makes one strong. Certain situations would be tough, but how quickly your able to bounce back to normal makes one strong. Be impenetrable for others to see through your sorrows. Be a mystery which only you can solve. Being strong doesn't mean you have to always mask your true self or emotions. It just means that you are capable enough to express it at a right place to the right person. To prove people that you are bold and strong one should never make others feel weak or vulnerable. Be strong in your own way but in that process never make others afraid of you. Everyone has their own thoughts of a strong personality, it's really not needed for you to compete with that. Be the real you is what makes one unique and though being a part of the courd will make you stand out of be real be you.. just the way you are....
Thank you
Stay blessed and happy..
Next post will be updated on 18/2/2020

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Own Person

"Be your own person".Do not ever let any given situation or person define "what you are". Be what you want to be and not what others want you to be. Do not hesitate to accept your mistakes and at the same time don't dwell on it. Learn from mistakes and make sure you should never repeat them. They will be alot of people who will tell you how you should behave or react in certain situations, but never let them influence you to an extend that you will behave according to them and not how  you want to.Be true to yourself. Be the Strom you want to be, but not the air what others think you are. Always respect others point of view but at the same time don't loose your self-respect. I was always told by people that am very "ARROGANT" .If back then I would have chosen to act according to them and ignored my instincts then today may be I would have been the "queen of arrogance". I have never let others decide what I should be never ever. If I was called arrogant for taking a stand for myself then be it. I can't just go to people and justify myself. I can never change others opinion totally about me or persuade them to think positive about me. I can either keep others or myself happy. And I choose to make me the happiest person I have ever known. Never loose your true self in the chaos of others opinion. No need to be good by loosing your self. Always be the person you want to be and never try to pretend what you are not. Pretence can never make you happy unless you're aiming to make others happy and superficious about your own happiness..
Thank you..
Stay blessed and happy..
Next post will be updated on 15/2/2020.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

More than words

Expressing one's views and feelings are very essential. Every person needs to express their feelings in some or the other way. If you do not express and just bottle up your opinions and feelings, it would not take you anywhere but instead it will pull you back. Everyone in this world are not expressive, they are some people who like to keep their feelings and views within themselves.Most likely people are conscious
to express themselves,as they have a fear that how will others judge them. They are alot of people who doesn't express their feelings because they think nobody would understand them or some might just use their feelings. Inspite of all the short comings in your life just let out whatever you feel. It's not always necessary to express yourself to others, you can just express it to you. Yes "you"! Who better than yourself will understand you. Expressing your views and feelings can be done in many ways like singing, dancing and writing. If one can't do these things then just sit in front of a mirror and talk to yourself, am sure you would feel light and start seeing things with different perspective. "Expressing doesn't make you weak, it makes you the strongest of all". Express yourself but at the same time give space to others too for keeping forward their thoughts and try to understand it but don't let any negativity over power your thoughts..
Thank you..
Stay blessed and happy..
Next post will be updated on 12/2/2020.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020


Thoughts are not what you think. They can be sometimes what others make you think. Thoughts are something which is necessary for everyone, they can never be a person who can say that I am not thinking anything.Often why do we give importance to what others think rather than being concerned about our own thoughts? Have you ever thought about it. No right, so let's start giving importance to our own thoughts and not on what others want us to think or what they think about us. Quite complicated! But that's what we do. We give so much importance to petty things, that we forget to acknowledge what do we really think and want. One should always give priority to positive thoughts that encourage one to always grow in life leaving behind all the negativity..
Thank you..
Stay blessed and happy..
Next post will be updated on 8/2/2020

Sunday, February 2, 2020


Being real to yourself is the most important part of self love. It's not always necessary that every person you meet would understand you; would try to know the real you, but that doesn't mean you would stop being yourself. Just be yourself and don't bother what others think of you. You are the only person who knows what you truly are there is no need to hide your real self when you know that come what may this is what I am and am happy with it. It should not disturb you unless you're disrespecting or harming someone deliberately in the quest of being the real you. Love your self and cherish what god has made you today with all your imperfections you are just perfect to be you the one in a million..

Thank you..
Stay blessed and happy..
Next post will be updated on 5/2/2020